Surge Protection in San Diego
Surge protection is important when trying to ensure the soundness of appliances in a home, sets of equipment in commercial establishments, as well as the safety and protection of the whole property should an electrical surge take place. Electrical surges occur when a sudden spike in electrical power or voltage is supplied in your system, affecting the appliances currently being used at the time of the surge. Common reasons for electrical surges include sudden switching on of power from the electrical service provider, following a black-out or power outage. It could also come from lightning strikes, fallen power poles, as well as damaged power lines. More importantly, electrical surges can also travel through internet and cable television circuit connection, as well as landline phone wiring systems.
Any surge in electricity could damage costly appliances and expensive commercial and industrial equipment. These surges can at the same time cause electrical accidents. Availing surge protection service is definitely a worthwhile investment considering the total cost of possible repairs and replacements that could be spent should an electrical surge cause damage to existing appliances and cause unfortunate electrical-related injuries and fires.
How much will surge protection cost?
To be safe, surge protection can only cost a small fraction of the total cost of equipment or appliances in any home. At Green Electric Solutions we see to it that we provide free, no obligation cost estimates to help property owners decide on whether to avail of the service or not.
Once we have installed these surge protectors in your home or commercial property, you can rest assure that whatever the cause of surge in electrical power, your appliances or commercial and industrial equipment will all be free from damage.
We will also provide a warranty for the surge protection – meaning if and when appliances or your set of equipment incurs damage during an electrical surge, you may file for insurance claims so that if and when damage is indeed determined, a reimbursement can be given to cover the damages.
What are the chances of an electrical surge taking place?
Electrical surges can take place anytime. Lightning for instance may strike all year round, in fact, statistics show that 30% of black-outs or electrical outages are due to lightning strikes. A survey on North American households also indicated that about 35 power disruptions take place annually on a five-year duration.
In addition, deregulated electric utility services is seen as a somehow potential reason for a possible lowering of quality of electrical supply services, hence more outages, and sudden switching of electricity that can give way to surges.
In the end, availing of surge protection services remains to be a very affordable and practical move to protect appliances and the rest of the home from getting damaged during sudden power jolts.
The post Surge Protection San Diego Electrician appeared first on GforceElectric.

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